PRP Hair Loss Treatment

PRP Hair Loss Treatment
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Hair Loss Treatment with Eclipse® PRP.
PRP is a viable and intact concentration of human platelets in a small volume of plasma.
A new hair-loss treatment is giving hope to millions of people with thinning hair.
Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Defined
PRP is a high concentration of platelets surrounded in its own plasma. A small amount of blood is drawn and the red cells are isolated from the platelet-rich plasma. Since the autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is processed from the patient’s own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.
Blood-Derived Growth Factors
The internal essence of your blood contains life-giving fundamental protein growth factors. PRP utilizes a leading-edge, patented technology that is specifically designed. With a simple, quick and advantageous process, your PRP professional is able to derive a high concentration of biological nutrient-rich cells and create autologous platelet-rich plasma.
- The practitioner draws an amount of blood similar to what is required for a basic lab test.
- The practitioner places the blood into a centrifuge and spins the blood at a very rapid rate to separate the platelets from the other components of the blood.
- The platelet-rich plasma is activated to release at least eight essential growth factors and signaling proteins. Platelet-rich plasma is a technology that deploys aspects of blood-based biochemistry. Because all constitutes retrieved in PRP are exclusively from the patient (autologous in origin), there is virtually no risk of intolerance. Nevertheless, before any treatment, disclose all the medications you are taking (including herbs) to your doctor.
Growth Factor Production Known Effects
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
Plays a significant role in the regulation of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation during the remodeling phase. Stimulates keratinocyte and fibroblast production.
Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)
Promotes angiogenesis which is the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
An important signaling protein involved in both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis that may help the growth of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature.
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
Promotes angiogenesis, granulation, and epithelialization for the intricate process of Tissue repairing itself after injury.
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)
Attracts macrophages and fibroblasts to the zone of injury. Promotes collagen growth and proteoglycan synthesis.
Interleukins, Macrophages, Keratinocytes,Endothelial Cells, Lymphocytes, Fibroblasts, Osteoblasts, Basophils, Mast Cells
Activates fibroblast differentiation. Induces collagen and proteoglycan synthesis for healthy cell production and repair of damaged tissues.
Collagen Stimulating Growth Factor
Stimulates granulocyte and macrophage proliferation for the growth of healthy tissue and blood cells.
Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF)
Keratinocyte migration, differentiation, and proliferations may optimize conditions for healing and the generation of new skin.
Ask Your Health Care Provider if PRP is Right for You!
Regulatory Status
FDA cleared 510(k) Class li medical device. Eclipse PRP is intended for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograph or allograft bone prior to application to an orthopedic surgical site. 510(k) number: BK110035
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